
Saturday, May 31, 2008

Blog Candy Winner!

Using Random Integer Generator the winning number is: comment #5

And therefore......the winner of my first-ever Blog Candy giveaway is...(drumroll please!)

Sherri! Congratulations!

Here's what she posted as her favorite stamping technique:

flipflops4sherri said...
My favorite thing to do is paper piecing. You first stamp your image on white cardstock, then stamp it again on patterned cardstock. Cut out the one on pp and glue it onto the white image. Voila, no coloring! Love it!

Sherri, you are the winner of 15 packages of Studio G acrylic stamp sets! Please email me your address so I can mail these out to you ASAP!

I'm spending the weekend making cards in my craft room! Stay tuned to see some new stuff on Monday!


Monday, May 26, 2008

I'm Looking for Cathy!

Last week I posted my first ever blog candy giveaway and the winner was announced on my blog here, but I haven't heard from her yet.

Cathy...Are you out there? You've won my blog candy give away and I need your snail mail addy to get these to you! Please email me. You have until this Thursday May 29th to email me. If I don't hear from you, I will pick another winner on Friday.

You can see my original giveaway post here.

If you know Cathy, send her back to my blog to collect her winnings!


Hope everyone had a wonderful Holiday weekend!

Flag 2


Sunday, May 25, 2008

Weekly Challenge Announcement

Bunny Bunny Brown Rabbit Bunny Bunny Brown Rabbit

For this weeks Fun Filled Friday post, I have challenged Kimmy to use a Happy Hopper stamp by Stampabilities. These little guys are just too cute & I know her and I just don't use them enough. I thought they would make a good challenge and we could put them to use! Besides, who doesn't love them?

I've already started thinking about how I will make my challenge card for this week. I know for sure that I am going to use my new Happy Hopper stamp that I bought last week at A Happy Stamper when I was in Washington DC. You'll have to wait till Friday, May 30th to see which one it is!

So, are you a House Mouse, Happy Hopper, and Gruffies fan? I'd love to get to know my readers, so post a comment here and tell me what are your favorite stamps?

Have a wonderful week!



Saturday, May 24, 2008

Blue Ribbon Award!

Double Take ribbons are given to Stamp Shack members who post work in the gallery that causes viewers to do a double-take, or when a viewer spots a stamped project that makes them say, "WOW! Check this out!!!" The Stamp Shack Creative Team recognizes stamped projects that have made them say exactly this!

The Creative Team showcases the best of the best, and this doesn't necessarily mean projects with the most embellishments, those that use the "hippest and trendiest" stamps, or what is currently popular in the rubber stamping scene. Recognition for this section is given at the discretion of the Creative Team for exemplary creativity and execution of stamping techniques. The Creative Team looks for artwork which utilizes creative techniques; those that are non-cookie cutter, or for artists who bring unique ideas to the Stamp Shack which have never been tried before.

I am proud to say that I've won my first Double-Take blue ribbon on the Stamp-Shack!

Here is my winning card...with ribbon attached!

I posted this card on my blog about a week ago. You can see the post here to learn how I made it.

Have a wonderful Saturday!



Thursday, May 22, 2008

Winner Announcement!

Today is Thursday...

Using Random Integer Generator the winning number is: comment #2

And therefore...

...the winner of my first-ever Blog Candy giveaway is...(drumroll please!)

Cathy! Congratulations!

Here's what she posted as her favorite stamping technique:

Cathy said...
"Hi Jennifer and thanks for the blog candy favorite stamping technique I'm just learning is Alcohol inks with the applicator by Tim Holtz..there is no mess and it looks great..the shaving cream technique is fun too..l sprayed the shaving cream into a pan and added reinker colours and mixed it with a toothpick to get a look that l liked and placed the glossy side on top of the cream and wow it looked awesome."

Cathy are the winner of 15 packages of Studio G acrylic stamp sets! Please email me your address so I can mail these out to you ASAP!

Stay tuned for tomorrow when Kimmy and I post our Alcohol Ink Challenge cards.

Have a wonderful day!


Don't forget!

Just a quick reminder... Reminder

Today is the last day to be elgible for my first ever Blog candy giveaway! You can read all about it and post a comment for a chance to win here. Winner will be announced in my blog post tomorrow, so if you haven't left me comment on that post yet, make sure to click over there and do so NOW! I'd hate for you to miss it!

Good Luck

Good Luck to all who have entered to play!


Tuesday, May 20, 2008

I've been published...Again!

Ever since I became a serious card maker about 3 years ago, one of my goals was to get my work published. It took me a long time to actually take the plunge! First, I had to get enough courage to actually write the Editor and then I had to learn to let go of my 'precious' cards if any were accepted. Finally in December 2007, I answered a Birthday card submission call for the Scrapbook Trends CARDS Magazine. Within 2 weeks I had heard back from the Editor that my card was accepted and I quickly mailed in my original card for publishing of the May 2008 issue. I was ecstatic and could hardly believe that it was actually going to happen! I think the hardest part overall is the wait time to actually see it in print--5 months! Here is the cover picture of the magazine. This issue recently hit the new stand, so I am now able to announce this publication and share with you the chosen card! I haven't received my complimentary copy of this magazine yet, but if you have it, I have been told that it can be found on page 167.

The candle stamp is by Northwoods Rubber Stamps and it was colored with Prismacolor Pencils and blended with odorless mineral spirits. The "birthday" stamp is a single, clear acrylic stamp by Clearly Wordsworth, stamped repeatedly. All cardstock is Bazzill, and the brads are from Joann's Scrap Essentials.

This is the second time my work has been published. The first time was recently in the Spring 2008 issue of Just Cards Magazine. I had 3 cards published in that issue. You can see that blog post here.

Now, that I have accomplished the goal of having my work published I am learning how addicting it can be. Everything I make is made with the hopes of submitting it. I try to answer submission calls so I send in what the magazines are looking for and I hope to have repeated success in many magazines like many of my fellow Stamp Shack sisters have done. Within the past few weeks I have answered a few more calls hoping to have cards published in Fall issues of several magazines. I'm keeping my fingers crossed and you know I will keep you all posted!

Thanks for visiting today!
PS: Have you seen my First-ever Blog candy Giveaway post? Click here to read all about it. A winner will be picked on Thursday. It could be you!

Monday, May 19, 2008

My First-Ever Blog Candy Give-Away!

Awhile back I participated in Kim's blog candy giveaway. I won a huge package of Studio G clear stamps for guessing the number Studio G packages in a tall vase pictured on her blog. I guessed 42 and there were 45 total packages. Well, some of those packages I already had, so I am passing the duplicates on to you, my blog readers! I have 15 packages up for grabs, and I will ship them to the winner for free!

***To be eligible to win, all you have to do is post a quick comment on this post before this Thursday May 22nd, telling me your favorite stamping technique. I'm looking for ideas for our up coming Fun Filled Friday Challenges and I will use your ideas to help guide my future Challenge Announcements. The winner will be picked randomly. Please pass this on to your family & friends-I want everyone to know about it!
The winner will be announced Thursday afternoon.
Good Luck

Sunday, May 18, 2008

New Challenge Announcement!

Kimmy's given the next challenge!

Challenge Announcement!

Custom Smiley
This week's Fun Filled Friday Challenge is to use Alcohol Inks. Remember that post where my Secret Sister sent me a box full of Alcohol Ink goodies? Well, now it's time for me to put them to use for the first time creating my own project. The only other time I've ever used Alcohol inks was a few weeks ago at the Shackapoloosa trip. So this challenge card should be interesting! Stay tuned for this Friday, May 23rd, when I post my challenge card.

Kimmy and I would love for you to participate in our Fun Filled Friday Challenges. If you would like to try this challenge, please post a link to a picture of your card on this post so that we can see your version of this challenge. I look forward to seeing your challenge cards!

Hope everyone had a great weekend--I worked! (YUCK!) However, Monday is my day off and I hope to get some card making done.

Also...tomorrow I will post my first ever Blog Candy Giveaway. If you're a stamper, you're not going to want to miss it! Stay tuned!

Sunday, May 11, 2008

Fun Filled Friday Challenge Announcement!

I have challenged Kimmy to make a card using this sketch for our Fun Filled Friday Challenge this week.

This sketch is found in the Sketch Gallery of the Stamp Shack. It was created by Kerry, one of our fellow Shackies. I love the patchwork look of this design, but I've never made a card like this before so, it should be a real challenge!

Stay tuned, as we will post our finished cards using this sketch this upcoming Friday, May 16th.

Kimmy and I would love for others to participate in our Fun Filled Friday Challenge. If you're brave enough to try this challenge, please post a link to a picture of your card on this post so that we can see your version of this sketch.

I look forward to seeing your challenge cards!

Mother's Day Flowers
PS: Happy Mother's Day to all you Mom's out there! Hope today is wonderful for you and full of much needed relaxation! Stay tuned to see the Mother's Day cards I made for my family! (Can't post them until I give them out in case they see them on my blog first!)

Saturday, May 10, 2008

We Have A Driveway!

Yeah! We have a driveway and a front porch! We have been in our new home for about 2 months now and the weather has finally shaped up enough to get the cement poured.

Last Monday the guys arrived and started taking down our temporary wood front porch and setting up the guide frames for the driveway.

After the city inspection on Tuesday and the rain on Wednesday they finally got to work pouring the cement this past Thursday. Here's the front porch, with nice rounded corners!

Here's the full view--I can't believe how wide it is! I'm so excited to finally be able to park in our garage, although we have to wait until late next week to drive on it!

In this picture you can see the decorative edge near the front of the house. I can already imagine having some type of shrubbery there!

Now, if only we could get sod in before the end of the Summer we'll be all set!

Hope you're having a great weekend!

Monday, May 5, 2008

Home From Shackapoloosa!

We went, we shopped (Oh, did we ever! Money 3) , we stamped, WE HAD A BLAST!

Well, I'm home from my Shackapoloosa weekend with my friends from the Stamp Shack. It was so much fun, and now I have the Shackapoloosa Blues! I miss it already. It went by so fast, that it's hard to believe we were there for 3 days.

Kimmy and I picked Nancy up at the Detroit airport. (She flew in from Maryland to go with us.) What would have normally been a 3 hour road trip for us took us almost 12 hours because of all the little detours we took to stop at 4 Scrapbook/stamping/craft stores along the way! It was so much fun. Nothing like a ladies road trip, ya know? We all spent some money, but I think we all could have done worse--I'm sure we all wanted too as well!

Our favorite stop was Stamping Day and Night in Fort Wayne, Indiana. It was such an awesome stamping store. We were there for almost an hour and a half, browsing the shelves (she has tons and tons of stamps!) and talking with the owner. She also showed us a few water color techniques with Tombo markers.

The next 3 days were spent here with 12 other members of the Stamp Shack, cropping the entire time, in our privately reserved conference room. We played games, we did shoebox swap projects (17 of them!) and talked, talked, talked!

Well, I could go on and on about our trip, but I am just in awe about what a fabulous time we had. So, let me tell you about the fun package I received in the mail today. I am in a Secret Sister swap on the Stamp Shack. I received a package from her with 11 brand new bottles of Tim Holtz Alcohol Inks, the blending solution, the fabric handler, glossy paper, and several samples! You can see my goodies below. I was so excited to see this package...why? Not only because it was a package from my Secret Sister, but also because over the weekend I played with them for the first time and loved them! Two of the shoebox projects from Shackapoloosa used them. I love blending the colors and making my own backgrounds! So, the ironic thing...How did my Secret Sister know that just over the weekend I put them on my wish list? I am so excited to play with them! I already have a few ideas for the alcohol ink and some of my new stamps that I bought over the weekend. Can't wait to get working on them so I can show you!

On another note, Kimmy has announced this weeks Fun Filled Friday Challenge. Our challenge is to make a card incorporating some aspect of the Cuttlebug! So, stay tuned to see our finished cards posted this Friday.

Hope your weekend was a blast like mine!