
Saturday, May 10, 2008

We Have A Driveway!

Yeah! We have a driveway and a front porch! We have been in our new home for about 2 months now and the weather has finally shaped up enough to get the cement poured.

Last Monday the guys arrived and started taking down our temporary wood front porch and setting up the guide frames for the driveway.

After the city inspection on Tuesday and the rain on Wednesday they finally got to work pouring the cement this past Thursday. Here's the front porch, with nice rounded corners!

Here's the full view--I can't believe how wide it is! I'm so excited to finally be able to park in our garage, although we have to wait until late next week to drive on it!

In this picture you can see the decorative edge near the front of the house. I can already imagine having some type of shrubbery there!

Now, if only we could get sod in before the end of the Summer we'll be all set!

Hope you're having a great weekend!

1 comment:

  1. YAY! Cement! Did you guys change your mind about the horseshoe in front? I am going to be busy crafting tonight:) Talk to you later "cheater"! Ha ha ha


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