
Friday, December 12, 2008

Late FFF, Turkey Dinner Recap, and DRS designs Update

Happy Friday!
Well, I'm still behind! (Yikes!) Tis the season I guess!
Sounds like we're all very busy this time of year!

My Fun Filled Friday Santa Challenge will be late this week! I'm so sorry to have to postpone it.

I hope to have it posted tomorrow.

Not sure what Fun Filled Fridays are? Well, Kimmy, one of my best friends, and I host card making challenges on our blogs every week called Fun Filled Fridays (FFF). We take turns every other week giving a challenge. These challenges are announced every Sunday, and we display our finished cards for that challenge the following Friday. Kimmy and I keep the details to ourselves regarding these challenge cards, so until her challenge post Friday, I have no idea what she is planning on making until I see it, just like the rest of you, and vice versa. I think it is so much fun to see how different or similar our cards turn out.

Kimmy and I have been debating about whether or not to continue our Fun Filled Friday Challenges in the new year. Please help us decide! I've placed a poll on my blog for you to give us your feedback. Please vote and/or leave me a comment with your thought and opinions. This poll will run through New Years Day when we'll decide to keep it or not.

Remember the post from the other day about me telling you that I was making my first Turkey dinner. Well, it was a hit! My sister joined my DH and I for dinner & they both ranted and raved about how moist and flavorful my turkey was! DH even mentioned that most often he needs gravy to eat turkey, but didn't need it for this one! I have 'his approval' to make turkey again soon!

I bought a 10 pound turkey and used this brine recipe to soak it in the day before I made it, and then baked it in one of those Reynolds Oven bags following the directions on the box. I also made this Sweet Potato Casserole. I didn't make the topping as it says in the recipe, I just sprinkled it with cinnamon and after it was done baking, I put mini marsh mellows on top and then put it back in the oven for 10 minutes to brown them. This was also very, very good, but almost a touch too sweet. Next time I make them I'm going to try 3/4 cup of white sugar instead.

On another note, I received an email from Samantha from DRS Designs saying that she'll be updating the DT card galleries on the DRS Designs website very soon. You can see all summary of all my cards by clicking here. Enjoy!

I promise next week will be filled with new projects!

Hope you all have a great weekend.
Until tomorrow...


1 comment:

  1. Sorry Jennifer, I'm probably not one to vote as I didn't really ever have time to play along! Maybe some other time I would be able to play when things slow down a bit for's just the Holiday Season is all!! Take care and have a fabulous weekend!!


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