
Sunday, October 26, 2008

Fun Filled Friday Update, and Halloween Challenge!

I'm so sorry for my lack of posting over the last few days, but let me tell you, it was a much needed break! I was getting to the point where posting and card making were becoming a chore, rather than a fun hobby. I've taken the time this weekend to do some other fun things and give myself a little time away from my computer and my craft room. I'm glad to say that right after I get done typing this post, I'll be heading to my craft room to start on new projects for this week.

Many of you Fun Filled Friday Followers are probably wondering where my Lemon juice project is from last week's challenge. Well, I did actually get it done today, but I tied it in with the new DRS Designs Blog challenge and it will be posted tomorrow (Monday) morning. Good things come to those who wait, right? :-)

Did any of you get to try the Lemon Juice technique? I love the smooth distressed look it gives my projects. This was my first time trying it, and I know I'll be using it again, probably very soon too!

With Halloween being on Friday this week, Kimmy and I have decided to have a Halloween Fun Filled Friday Challenge...anything Halloween goes!
I'm sure many of us are in the Halloween spirit, so this challenge should be pretty easy.

I'm looking forward to seeing your Halloween projects! Don't forget, Kimmy has a blog candy drawing for all of the FFF participants. Give it a try! You never know if she'll pick your name for the goodies!

Hope you all had a great weekend!


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