
Wednesday, September 21, 2011

Family, Faith, and Friends

After 12 (fabulous!) weeks off of work on Maternity leave I will soon be back in the grind of working life.  I'm trying to make the most of this week cause next Monday is my first day back to work.  This has me stressed out a bit and unfortunately, I think it's putting a damper on my mojo.  I have 3 cards in progress and I'm not liking the way any of them are turning out.  Seems as though my creative side doesn't like the idea about going back to work either.  

While Anthony was napping yesterday, I did a little blog hopping looking for some inspiration and stress relief. 

I came upon this weeks Tuesday Morning sketch Challenge and completely forgot that DRS Designs was this week's sponsor! (Told you I was feeling stressed!)  It was just the inspiration I needed. Since my Give Thanks card was so well liked, (thanks to all of you who commented on it!) I decided to use this week's TMS sketch and do a bit more embossing on today's challenge card. 

I embossed DRS Designs new Give Thanks For Family Greeting (911F) with copper embossing powder for the center of my card. I matted it as seen on the sketch, and added acorn punchies to each of the corners of the frame.  The background was stamped with the Silhouette Branch Background (363H) and was also embossed. I added brown ribbon between the the 2 layers across the card front. 

As a final step I added leaf punchies to add some Fall color.

Now, I know you'd love to win the $10 store voucher that DRS Designs is giving away for this challenge.  Make sure to run over to the TMS Blog and link up your card today!

Thanks for visiting! 


  1. Great card. Those leaves add just the right pop of color, Thanks for playing along at TMS.

  2. Jennifer this is wonderful. I wish when I lost my mojo I made cards this fabulous. Good luck going back to work. Thanks for joining us at Tuesday Morning Sketches.

  3. Pretty! I love that background and your leaf cutouts are adorable!

  4. This is really sweet Jennifer. I love the leaves and the "cool" feel to your card.

    Good luck heading back to work. And congratulations on the baby. I didn't know!

    Thanks for joining us at Tuesday Morning Sketches.


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