
Saturday, June 18, 2011

Transition #2: Ready and Waiting!

Remember my Transition #1 post where I talked about changing over my Scrapbooking/stamping room into the Nursery for our new baby who's soon to arrive? 
Well, it's now complete and ready to go.  We are anxiously awaiting baby's arrival. 

Click the link above to see the before pics of my stamping room. What a difference! Here's what the nursery looks like now!

Teddy Bears Galore!
Gotta find room for them once baby arrives so I have a place to sit when I rock my little munchkin!

It won't be too much longer now.  Doctor says I definitely won't make my 4th of July due date and that she anticipates baby's arrival within the next week!

Can't wait to introduce you to our new son or daughter very soon!



  1. The nursery looks great! I can't wait to meet the baby! Prayers sent for a easy delivery!

  2. How exciting!! Room looks great!

  3. Such a transformation from stamp room to nursery! It is simply beautiful! Love the teddy bear theme and colors! Would you believe my daughter is also due on July 4th?! She's having a GIRL...and this will be my first grandbaby! I couldn't be more thrilled and excited about this and will be spending 2 wks with her when baby arrives. Her dr thinks it may be sooner too. Please keep me posted on your little arrival, ok? God's blessings, Pam :)

  4. It came out great Jennifer! You're sure to spend many wonderful moments in that warm room. What a lucky baby!!


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