
Tuesday, December 7, 2010

Back In Business!

I know it has been quite a while since I've posted regularly on my blog and for those of you who are still following, I thank you!  You've probably noted that many of my most recent posts indicated that I wasn't feeling well and therefore I was unable to stamp and blog.  Finally, I am on the mend and ready to explain!

Hubby and I are expecting our first child on July 4th, 2011! I have been ill with Morning Sickness which has completely defeated my creative side for about 4 weeks.  In my case, this condition is more appropriately called All-Day Sickness!  It truely has been difficult trying to keep myself afloat to just get thru a work day. All extra curricular activities were cancelled and even the holiday decorating was minimally completed.  However, this past Saturday I woke up feeling like a million bucks and more or less I've been feeling pretty good ever since.  I even stamped out 2 Christmas cards on Sunday and will be sharing those with you very soon! I'm glad to say that I think I'm back in Business!

Taken yesterday at 10 weeks along (30 to go!) and measuring a teeny, tiny 1.5" in length, here's the lastest picture of our little firecracker!



  1. Congratulations, Jennifer! Welcome to the prelude of the wonderful second semester!!

  2. I am so happy for you! A firecracker for sure. Congrats.-Kim S.

  3. Oh wow Jennifer!! Wonderful news!! Congrats to you and hubby!! HUGS

  4. Congratulations Jennifer! I am so happy for you!

  5. So excited for you and your happy news!

  6. Congrats again - He/She's a beauty :)

  7. Congratulations Jennifer! Glad you are feeling better!

  8. Cool picture! Ten weeks along and you can tweak his nose! Amazing!

    ***Please Note***
    My word verification for this message was:

    Coincidence? hmmmmmm

  9. That's AWESOME NEWS! Congratulations!!!! I am so happy for you and your hubby!

    PS Another coincidence?

    my word verification is

    marcr So maybe you are having a boy and you should name him Marc? :)


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