
Thursday, September 23, 2010

Operation Write Home

Unfortunately, I don't have a project to show you at the moment, but as soon as this post goes live, I hope to run off and play with this week's Splitcoast Sketch Challenge and show off more of DRS Designs new Halloween Stamps.  Have you checked them out yet?  I used 2 of them in my Halloween card yesterday, but you can see the entire collection HERE.

In the mean time, I wanted to share with you a contest being held by DRS Designs to benefit Operation Write Home.  Wouldn't you love to win big from DRS Designs?

I know this flyer is a bit difficult to read, but I'll list the details here on this post or you can see the link set up by DRS Designs HERE.

The Grand prize is is $50 Gift Certificate to DRS Designs and it goes to the person who donates the most greeting cards.  Create as many handmade cards as you can (NO GLITTER and blank inside), along with an envelope for each one as well and send them to DRS Designs before October 23rd.  The next 4 generous donors will win $25 gift certificates to DRS Designs.  The cards you send in will be donated to Operation Write Home.  This is an organization that donates the cards sent in to our nation's Armed Forces so that they can write home to their family and friends, as well as cards of gratitiude to encourage them.

Please join us for this great cause.  I'll be sending in my cards soon.  Will you?


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