
Wednesday, June 3, 2009

Hang In There Teasers!

I am happy to report that I believe my mojo has returned (Yeah & TG! I was getting worried!) It just needed a little break--you know, go on vacation, drink some margaritas and pina coladas and visit with other out-of-town friends, like Kimmy's mojo. Unfortunately though, I still don't have any projects to share with you (I know, bummer!) and as a direct result of it I have become extremely behind in meeting DT deadlines, papercrafting in general, and blogging (like you haven't noticed, right?).

The few projects that I have successfully created in the last 10 days are all for DRS Designs upcoming release. So, I'm unable to show you any of it right now except for a few teasers that can be seen below. Stay tuned...starting next Monday I'll be able to show you these projects in their entirety.

You know what they say, "Good things come to those who wait," and the good thing about all of this, is that come next week I'll be all caught up & get back to some of the weekly challenges that I like to do. That being said I should be back to posting daily as well. So...hang in there...just a few more days & my blog & I will be back to our old selves!



  1. TEE!! What a tease you are!! :) They look good for far! Can't wait to see the rest!!

  2. Now I really can't wait for your package to arrive!! Look out Mr. Mailman!!


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