
Sunday, May 24, 2009

Where O Where are you?

This title refers to lots of things today...

1. Me! You've probably noticed I haven't posted in a few days. I haven't necessarily been MIA, it's just that...

2. My Mojo and inspiration to create are gone, and seems like they are no where to be found! I've made several attempts in my craft room to get something started & I don't like anything that I've been coming up with over the last few days. Rather then get frustrated & put everything in the garbage, I have several unfinished projects laying around my craft room that maybe when my Mojo comes back I will be inspired to complete them.

and finally #3. My Fun Filled Friday project is missing as a direct result of #2! Last weeks theme was to decorate the inside of our cards to match the outside. Once I finally get my mojo back to finish the outside of a card, I'll be able to complete the inside as well...if I should ever get to that point any time soon...

How frustrating this is!!!!!!! I am home for a 3 day weekend and had huge plans of getting caught up and crafting the weekend away & what a bummer it is to have my inspiration just up and leave me! Maybe it's because I just need a break and after a few days I'll be inspired once again. (I'm keeping my fingers crossed!)

So, now you know why I haven't posted in the last few days. I honestly just don't have any new projects to share with you. I'm going to stay out of my craft room for today & spend time getting some things done around the house & spend some time with DH since he is home today. Then, tomorrow when he is back to work & I'm enjoying the last day of my weekend with a nice, quiet house I'll venture back in to that craft room & see what I can complete. (Maybe I just need to clean that room...I bet I'll find my mojo in there hiding under a pile of cardstock!)

With that being said, it is Sunday & it's time to announce the next Fun Filled Friday Challenge. (Although I don't feel right posting another one before the other has been completed--just seems a little backwards to me...) Maybe a different challenge is just what I need to get my inspiration jump started! So, what's the challenge you ask? Get out your brayers & brayer away! Kimmy decided on this weeks challenge & I'm wondering if she had the Zindorf blog in mind when she decided this. Good thing for me, is I sort of already have an idea in mind for this challenge, so hopefully when I sit down to do it, this project will come easy for me. If you get a chance to play this week and want to play along in our Fun Filled Friday challenges, please do so. Make sure to leave a link with your project for us to see. I'd love to see what you do with your brayer!

So, for now I'm off to enjoy the day at home and tomorrow will be a new day for me in my craft room. Hopefully I have a project to share with you soon.

Until then...if you see my mojo send it back home, ok?


Have a Wonderful Holiday weekend!



  1. Enjoy the rest of your weekend, i'm sure your mojo will catch up :)

    It happens to all of us at times lol.


  2. Maybe your mojo is on vacation with mine. I totally know how you feel. I haven't gotten any stamping time the past couple weeks and when I finally did, I spent 3 hours staring at the wall in my stamp room.
    I hope you are enjoying the weekend!


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