
Thursday, February 26, 2009

Ketchup Day!

Well, I guess it should be catch up day! LOL!

This week has gotten away from me...time is flyin' like never before!

Many of you probably remember the post regarding my Great aunt who turned 93 years young on February 5th. To all of you who sent her birthday cards, Thank you all so much!

I took this picture of her on her actual birthday after we went out to dinner. We went back to her house for dessert and coffee. My sister found these cute, individual slices of cake and we all shared them. So, don't think this little lady tried to eat all of this!

You're probably wondering where your card is? Well, by her actual birth-date, she only received these cards thus far, not to mention the ones she received from her own family and friends. However, let it be known that she has received about 25 cards total. The last one trickling in earlier this week! I wanted to take her picture again with all 25 of her cards, but when I was there earlier this week she wasn't feeling up to it and asked that I didn't. I respected her wishes.

I am very happy with the progress! You all have made both of our day's! She's still questioning how I know all these people and very much wants to send each of you a personal Thank you card! I told her that it wasn't necessary because I would Thank you all on the computer. Try explaining the computer, email and blogging to a 93 year old! LOL! So, please accept this post as her personal Thank you!

Here's a picture of my sister and I with her.

While I was on vacation, I also received this Lovely Blog award from my friend Heather at The Best in Life. Make sure to run over and check her out. She does awesome work! Thanks so much, Heather! Oh, and for all you blog candy lovers out there...Heather will have some blog candy soon, and you can also check out Jessica's blog for another awesome blog candy opportunity! I just have to help spread the word! :-)

Stay tuned for tomorrow. I'll have a new card to share with you. Have a wonderful day!



  1. I'm so glad your Aunt had a nice birthday!

  2. This comment has been removed by the author.

  3. Sorry about that last post deletion!

    93 -- that's impressive! Glad she received so many cards to commemorate such a special day. You are such a thoughtful niece to think of doing that for her!!

  4. How wonderful!! Happy Birthday to her!! I'm sorry I didn't get a card off to her, but I hope she had a wonderful day! I've been so bad about sending my cards out this year....but I FINALLY sent out all my belated ones since January 1. (yes!! some people's cards were almost 2 months late!! LOL) Hopefully I'll be better for the rest of the year!!

  5. So glad she had a good day for her birthday and got to enjoy some of her cards...she probably enjoy the dispersed arrival of the later ones. Thanks for sharing with us!!


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