
Sunday, February 15, 2009

Blog Candy Results!

Well, I'm back from Vacation! We had a wonderful time. The weather was great & it's so hard being back here in the cold! But it is time to get back to reality. In the next few days or so I will post some of our vacation pictures & tell you all about it. But, for now, it's time to announce the blog candy winner!

First of all, I want to Thank all of you for visiting my blog and for all of the Birthday wishes you sent. You all are so kind! I enjoyed reading all of the comments. I used to pick today's blog candy winner...

Here are your random numbers:18
Timestamp: 2009-02-15 17:05:05 UTC

Winner is from comment 18, drawn at 12:05 pm EDT:

Jessica G. said...
Happy Belated Birthday, Jennifer! Sounds like you chose a great place to enjoy it -- some place warm!!

Congratulations, Jessica!

Please email me your address so I can get this package to you!
I'm sure my blog will be very busy this week as I get caught up on everything. I'm so behind! Stay tuned for some new projects using new images from DRS Designs and the new company Sunflowers and Dragonflies. Have you checked them out yet?

Have a wonderful Sunday!


  1. Thanks, Jennifer; I'm so excited to be the blog candy winner! And I can totally relate to being behind in stamping projects -- I need a marathon session to play catch up!!

  2. This comment has been removed by the author.


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