
Monday, January 19, 2009

Technical Difficulties! (Long!)

Unfortunately, I don't have a project to share with you today. I'm so sorry about that, but you can expect more later this week. My weekend was spent being lazy, and then when I wasn't being lazy, DH and I cleaned up. We finally (!) put away all of our Christmas decorations and took our real Christmas tree down. Oh, such a chore! Now my house looks so dull and dreary. I'm always bummed every year when the holiday decorations come down. (Although I am glad that all of it is finally put away!) Do any of you get the post-holiday-decoration-blues like I do?

I spent some time on Saturday and Sunday revising my blog a bit. If you click on the actual link to my blog you can see that I've changed my blog header to one of the snowmobiling pictures I posted on my blog a few weeks ago. We are in the heart of Winter right now in Michigan and I swear this winter we will break records with the amount of snow fall we've had so far! It seems like every few days we get dumped on! So anyways, I thought the picture I used for my blog header was appropriate.

I also noticed this past Friday that Feedburner was moving their feeds to Google, and I received notice that Feedburner Subscribers have until the end of February to make the move. They claimed we wouldn't lose any of our stats, subscribers etc. Since I was revising other areas on my blog this weekend I figured I should make this change now as well. With a few clicks I had everything transferred to Google. Since this change I've notice I've lost half of my subscribers just over night!!!!!!! Now, I may be completely wrong (although I find it hard to believe that half of you would just up and leave me!) but I'm blaming the transition from Feedburner to Google for the loss. So, If this should reach any of you who used to receive my posts via feeds and now you now longer are, please re-subscribe! If you are new to my blog, WELCOME! Please click on one of the subscribing links on the right side of my blog to follow me! I have a lot of exciting things to share with you all over the next month or so and I'd hate for any of you to miss it! So go ahead, Subscribe today, It's free! :-)

I normally take and answer questions from my readers, but today I'm changing things up a bit. I've stumbled on a question of my own that I thought you could help me with.
I am stumped on how to add pics to my blog that people can click on to make larger to see the detail better. How is that done? I've tried changing the pic size on my camera from email size to regular printable size, but that doesn't do it. Does it have something to do with photo editing software? I don't have Photoshop...I use a Kodak photo editing package.
I'm curious as to what incite any of you may have on this. Any advise is greatly welcome. If you would rather email me privately, please feel free to do so.

I apologize that this post is rather long, and I don't have any fun pictures for you to look at. If you've made it this far, thanks so much for taking the time to read it all!

Thanks for visiting today!


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