
Thursday, January 22, 2009

I've been Awarded!

Another Blog Award!
Thanks so much to my friend Vicki from Stamped Smiles.

This award is titled the "Marie Antoinette Award."

My curiosity got to me & I had to investigate why this was significant. All I have to say is gotta love Google! LOL!

Apparently, during her reign as the Queen of France, she became known as an extravagant woman who spent excessive amounts of money on clothing, furniture, gambling and diamonds, that eventually caused the people of France to dislike her. This conflict of interest eventually lead up to the French Revolution.

So, how does this award relate to stamping and blogging? (be warned, I think I've looked a little too far into this LOL!)

Well, I'm not spending money on clothing, furniture, gambling and diamonds, however, I can certainly relate to the "excessive spending" part. That's the bad part about being a stamper/scrapbooker. I'm always spending money on something hobby related--stamps, tools, embellishments, paper, cardstock, ribbon, ribbon, and more ribbon etc. Sometimes I feel like I just gotta have every new tool out there! However, I make an attempt not to pay full price for anything relating to stamping/scrapbooking! Let's just say I make great use out of my Michael's, Joann's, Achiever's and LSS coupons! Anything to stretch that little ol' dollar a little further!

So how many of you out there can relate and are deserving of this Marie Antoinette Award?

The rules for this award are to name 5 things about myself AND tag 5 people for this award!

5 things about myself are:
1. My birthday is right around the corner! (I'm thinking blog candy soon!)
2. I'm getting ready to leave for a Mexican Vacation in a few short weeks, and I'm so excited with butterflies in my stomach every time I think about it!

3. I'm a perfectionist--one quality about myself that is both good and bad! (which is why creating just one card can take me hours to complete!)

4. I love coffee and don't function well without it--just ask my husband! Once of my favorite parts of my morning routine is to enjoy my coffee at the computer and blog hop!

5. Today I'm meeting with some of my scrap/stamp buddies for a play day, all-day-long! Watch for more cards right here, coming soon!

In no particular order, the five people I'm passing this award to are:

Cindi-Hooked on Crafts, in Maine

Jan-Far North

Barb-Barb's Card Creations

Cathy-Crafty Thoughts

Dawn-Dawn's Rubber Room

Well, I'm off to pack my bags for my big play-day! Hopefully I don't chit-chat too much--I have big plans to get a lot done.

Ta Ta For Now!


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