
Thursday, January 29, 2009

Do You have an extra Birthday Card?

Please help me shower my Great-Aunt with tons of Birthday cards!

She will be 93 Years Young on Feb. 5th!

My Great Aunt loves to get mail. Being independent and still living alone in her own home, getting the mail is the highlight of her day. Unfortunatly, the last few months have been rather challenging, as her health is really starting to fail her. She has been recently put on oxygen that she now has to wear 24 hours a day and simple things like walking the short distance from her bedroom to the bathroom make her extremly short of breath. She even told us at Christmas that this is the last Christmas she'll have. Sad, I know, which is why I'm asking for your help.

Please help me wish her a wonderful and extra special Birthday! I'd love for her to spend her entire Birthday week opening cards from all of my stamping friends! You don't need to create anything fancy, even just sending her a birthday card from your stash will do, and will be greatly appreciated!

Soon after her birthday and as the card shower slows, I will take a picture of her and all her cards to show you all. Thanks so much for helping me make this birthday extra special for her!

If you are interested, please email me, for her address. (Please add "CARD SHOWER" to the subject line so your email doesn't get added to my spam folder. thanks!)

I did this for her 3 years ago when she turned 90 and she was so surprised I had so many Friends, and really enjoyed each card she received.

I can't Thank You enough!


1 comment:

  1. I will be sending your aunt's card out this weekend. BTW - I tagged you on my blog today :)



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