
Sunday, November 16, 2008

Thanksgiving Challenge!

Hello Everyone!

Did you miss me? LOL!

Sorry for the delay in posting over the weekend.

I work in a hospital, normally on afternoons-from 2pm-10pm, but on my working weekends I work day shift and it just really kicks my butt! It's such a shock to my system when I have to get up at 4:15am! After work today I took a 3 hour nap to try to make up for my lack of sleep, but I think I'll find myself in bed early tonight as well. But enough of that...on to this week's Fun Filled Friday Announcement!

Kimmy gave this week's challenge theme to create something Thanksgiving related. This is perfect timing for this challenge, because just over the weekend I received some new Thanksgiving images by Outlines, from my Friend Nancy at the Stamp Shack. (Thanks Nancy!) I'm definitely going to color them up & use them for this challenge. Make sure to check back on Friday to see my Thanksgiving Challenge card. Kimmy, will be posting hers as well.

So, did you have a restful weekend? Just like the weather forecasters predicted, we did get some snow today here in Michigan & it is supposed to snow on & off for the rest of the week. Today's snow wasn't too bad though--maybe about a half inch, but the flakes that came down were the big fat ones! It was pretty to watch!

Stay tuned for some new cards this week. I'm off to my craft room right now to create some cards with the images I colored up all last week.


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