
Thursday, November 13, 2008

Kreativ Blogger Award

I am honored to say that I've recently received this Creative Blogger Award from one of my DRS Designs DT members, Vicki. (She's giving away lots of candy this month-go check it out!)

Here are the rules:

1. The winner may put the logo on their blog.

2. Put a link to the person who sent you the award.

3. Nominate 5 blogs.

4. Put links to their blogs

5. Leave a message for your nominees.

So here are the 5 blogs I've nominated, in no particular order:

Traci-Inkin' Up The Dog!

Janette-Stampin With Style

Pam-Stamping With Serendipity

Teresa-Aunt T's Paper Arts

Kimmy-Stamps, Scraps, and More

Thank you all for being Kreativ Bloggers! I look forward to reading your blogs daily!


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Thanks for visiting my blog. Please visit again soon!