
Saturday, November 8, 2008

Coupons Anyone?

I know we all like to save money, and I'm sure this is more important and more prevalent now then ever. If you're anything like me, you save every penny to put towards your paper crafting and stamping wish list, Right? Paper crafting and stamping are hobbies where you never have it all--there's always a new stamp, a new tool, or new techniques that you just gotta have and you just gotta try. Usually new techniques often mean purchasing a new tool or two in order to try it out, Right?

Well, I wanted to make sure you were all aware of the Crafting Coupon links I've added to my side bar--Just click and print, shop and play!! I'll update them as frequently as I receive them. We're all in this together & we should help each other to save where we can. If you notice that I'm missing a coupon, please email it to me so I can update my list.

Over at the Stamp Shack, someone posted a link to this blog that frequently has coupons as well and I wanted to share it with you. I'm sure you will find it useful! :-) I haven't searched her blog much yet, but it appears she posts weekly all of the current coupons to our favorite craft stores!

So, who's off to do a little shopping this weekend?

Have fun & save a ton! (Hey, that rhymes! LOL!)


PS: I changed one of my blog settings recently and it was brought to my attention that it wasn't allowing readers to leave comments. (Thanks Mary!) I've changed things back to the way they were originally so you all should be able to leave comments now. I'm glad I figured out why I wasn't getting any comments...I was beginning to think ya'll didn't like me anymore! LOL! :-) So, if you tried to leave a comment in the last few days & had problems doing so, please go back to leave your comments now. I'd love to hear from you!

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