
Wednesday, August 27, 2008

Sketch Challenge Wednesday #8

Here's the Sketch Challenge details for August 27th! Hope you'll play along!

Sketch Wednesday Challenge Details:
The details are pretty simple--make a card of any theme you choose utilizing the card sketch posted on my blog and then on the sketch challenge announcement post, reply with a comment posting a link to your blog or online gallery so that everyone can view how you utilized the sketch. You have all month to complete each challenge. So there is no confusion, a "month" runs from the first day of the month through the last day of the month--example Aug. 1st-Aug. 31st.

Bonus Opportunity for Participating in Sketch Wednesday Challenges:

Each month, I will assign a number in order from all of the comments/links posted from all qualifying participant weekly sketch challenge cards and draw one lucky winner for a package of blog candy from me! All of the blog candy goodies that I will offer will be craft/card making related--embellishments, ink pads, images, stamps, ribbon, punches etc.

Card Sketch Wednesday #2:

Please reply with links to your challenge cards here on this blog post. You have until August 31st 11:59 pm EDT to post your link to be considered for the August Blog Candy drawing. All entries posted after this time will go towards the September drawing.

Have fun playing with this sketch! I'll be back later today to show you the card I've created. I hope you'll give it a try as well. Make sure to comment here on this post if you do. I can't wait to see your Sketch Wednesday Card!



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