
Monday, August 25, 2008

Blog Love!

I received this award from my friend Patti, from the Stamp Shack.

(Thanks, Patti!) Patti is a very talented stamper and her work has inspired me so many times! Her inspiration gave me the courage to try out for the DRS Design team and I made it!

For fear of losing my Stamper's MoJo (hate it when that happens!) I do a lot of blog hopping and blog surfin' -- there is ton of inspiration out there, as I'm sure you all know! I too, would like to pass this award along to some amazing bloggers.

Here's my list of blogs I love: (In no particular order)

  • Kimmy - For being my Fun Filled Friday Blog Challenge partner, as well as for being a great friend, a fellow enabler, and great craft inspirer! You make crafting together tons more fun!

  • Beth - For a blog with the best tutorials and coloring that will knock your socks off!

  • Kim - For her weekly "Challenge me Thursdays," for giving it a try regardless of what the challenge is & then coming up with something great!

  • Kelly - My most recent Secret Sister, for always putting the goodies I sent her to great use & posting them on her blog for all to see!

  • Stacy- For creating cards with great layouts. I enjoy seeing all of the different variations in her work!

  • Ethel- For creating cards and projects that will brighten anyone's Day!

  • Debbie-For a blog that is inspiring, totally fun, AND entertaining!

Here are the award rules:
1. The winner can put the logo on their blog

2. Link the person you received your award from

3. Nominate at least 7 other blogs

4. Put links of those blogs on yours.

5. Leave a message on the blogs of the girls or boys you’ve nominated.

Did you all have a great weekend? I was busy with "real work" and working in my studio. I made 6 cards this weekend! Stay tuned for tomorrow and the rest of this week to see them!

Happy Monday! (ugh!)


1 comment:

  1. Thank you for the nomination! You're too sweet. I enjoy your blog as well. Your so talented--it's no wonder you get published. I also love the look of your blog. All those colours are so fun!


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