
Monday, July 14, 2008

Readers! It's time for you to challenge us!

For our Fun Filled Friday Blog Challenge on August 1st Kimmy and I are going to try something different. You, our readers, are going to challenge us! We will post a a card using the winning challenge on that Friday (Aug. 1st).

Please post a challenge for me to try by commenting on this blog post. Kimmy will pick a winner for me from your responses, and I will pick one for her from her blog responses. We may only pick one or a combination of a couple challenges to make our cards.

There's an advantage to posting a challenge for us--We're giving away blog candy to the person/persons who post the winning challenge(s). You have until Monday July 21st to post your challenge comments. We will announce the challenge winners on Sunday July 27.

So put those thinking caps on and challenge us by Monday, July 21st! Don't forget to post a challenge for Kimmy as well.

I can't wait to see what you come up with!

Happy challenging!!!!



  1. I think making your beaded circles and using them on the cards would great or using leather somehow on cards. many thanks.

  2. How about getting out those old bottle caps and doing something with them. Can you tell I've been cleaning out my supplies this week.

  3. What about using scraps from your scrap pile -- maybe selecting 2 different patterns that don't go together and making them work on the same card?

  4. Another idea -- I loved your dahlia card -- could you do a dahlia card challenge?

  5. What about a black and white card challenge?


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