
Sunday, June 1, 2008

New Challenge Announcement!

For this weeks Fun Filled Friday Challenge Kimmy has challenged me to make a Masculine card. Well, in looking through my stamps I don't have very many Masculine images at all. This might be a difficult challenge for me. But, then, isn't that what challenges are all about? It will be interesting to see what I come up for this one. I guess this will be good practice with Father's Day right around the corner.

Do you make masculine cards? Do you have any trouble making them? Let me see what masculine cards you've made, or why don't you partake in our Masculine challenge? Make a masculine card & on Friday when I post my Masculine Challenge card you can post a link of your card so we can all see it. I'd love for you to play along with us!

Well, I'm off to my Scrap Room to see what kind of Masculine card I can come up with. Wish me luck!

Hope you had a great weekend!


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