
Sunday, April 20, 2008

Happy Sunday! We're getting ready for the first Fun-Filled Friday!

Good morning everyone! I am happy to announce that this week Kimmy and I will post our first Fun-Filled Friday project! Fridays will be the days we post our challenge projects on our blogs. We've decided that we will announce the challenge on Sundays, but pictures of the finished projects won't be displayed on our blogs until the following Friday.

Kimmy gave this week's challenge. She bought 2 stamps for $1.00 each at Joann's and they are a different style then what we normally stamp with. Both stamps are from Hampton Arts titled, New York Diva and Rome Diva. It will be interesting to see what we make with both stamps. I've already started working on both of them. Please check back on Friday to see our finished projects.

Well, this has been a rough weekend for all members of the Stamp Shack. The site went down Friday evening & the owner is away on vacation until April 28th. We are all having "Stamp Shack withdrawals" and realize how badly we are all addicted to the site. We've all been forced to do 'other' things like cleaning, shopping or spend quality time in our stamping rooms rather than spend endless hours chit-chatting on the Shack message board & checking endless pictures of inspiration in the gallery. I know I have been spending a lot of my time "blog-hopping," and I'm sure many of the other Shackies are too. If any of my Shack friends are reading this and you don't have me listed on your blog roll, please add me! Looks like email and blogs will be the only ways of communication until the Shack comes back. Hopefully, we won't have to wait until Sherry gets back from her vacation before the Shack is restored. What a long week it will be if that is the case!

Well other than blog hopping this weekend, I also worked yesterday & today, and today, I'm planning on picking up the house & planning out dinner for the rest of the week. I ordered 18 (!) stamps from the Rubbernecker Stamp Company last week and I was hoping I would find them in my mailbox yesterday so I could spend all afternoon today playing with them. However, there was nothing but bills in there. (YUCK!) Guess I'll have to wait until Monday to get those stamps inky!

So, How did you spend your weekend?

Hope it was wonderful and full of much needed rest. :-)

1 comment:

  1. Thanks for the update on the Shack! I was wondering what was going on!


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