
Tuesday, March 25, 2008

Step By Step

Building our new house! The progress continues, step by step, frame by frame, day by day! The pictures in today's post range from October 23, 2007 to November 3, 2007. There are lots of pictures today. Enjoy!

This first picture is the framing of our 3 car side-turned garage.

Framing rest of house, front view

Roof rafters in place. View from back of the house.

Windows are in! Complete front view of our house.

From the pictures I posted yesterday, you can see the beautiful Nature Conservation that is behind our lot. Well, we knew it was too good to be true for very long. Since we've moved in, the city has been chopping down trees, supposedly for farming. Here are some pictures taken yesterday of the thinned out Nature Conservation & the wild turkeys that came to visit! These are the same group of turkeys in each picture. I tried to get good pictures of all of them. There are 5 or 6 of them total. We don't have grass yet--our yard is all mud, so the grass you see in these pictures are our neighbors yards. Look at the picture of the very large male turkey. His feathers are all spread out, and he looks like a real Thanksgiving turkey! I wish he was on our side of the fence. What a picture that would have been! My husband said since mating season is approaching, he's trying to impress all of the other 5 female turkeys. Boy, is he gonna be busy! :-)

And this is "Stewy". The possum that comes to visit almost everyday around 5pm. My husband named him after 'possum stew.' We buy reduced produce at the nearby fruit market to feed him. It's so nice to see the animals back there. After all they are doing to create the farming land, I hope they stay.

Thanks for letting me share my story with you. It's fun to know that people are interested in reading about it just as much as we were excited about it during the building process. Stay tuned for more pictures tomorrow: bricking, the front door, and the inside!



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